Instruments of consciousness for enlivening the dead zones + activating connective intelligence!
My instruments of consciousness’ enable a pilgrimage into the everyday to resurrect the overlooked and crucified world in us.
They open up individual spaces for aesthetic understanding, connective insights and moral imagination, and new enlivened awareness of phenomena and questions.
They open up collective spaces for working with questions, thinking-together, connective enquiry, and for making ‘social honey’!
1 / Participatory Arenas
2 / Connective Practice
3 / Reflective Assemblies
4 / Global Communities
5 / Survival Room
6 / Social Sculpture Frameworks
7 / Lecture Actions and Platforms
8 / Public Interventions
9 / Early Work
10 / Curated Enquiries
11 / Capacities for the Future
12 / Mentoring & Consultancy
13 / Pedagogic Practice
14 / Collaboration + Cocreation
15 / Small Acts
16 / Guiding Images
These practices link dialogue with oneself and dialogue with the world. They activate agency for getting to the habit level and encourage new eyes for the world. They highlight that connective thinking is an aesthetic practice!
They take many forms: Small acts, scores, or lecture performances. Structured processes in participatory arenas. Reflective assemblies, scaled out by trained multipliers. Mobile labs in diverse contexts. Long-term initiatives, evolving over decades. Social sculpture frameworks, fields of awareness, pedagogic practices, and curated enquiries.
They all offer ways for connecting inner work and outer actions, for working with questions to shape a living future, and for activating new forms of connective intelligence.
Despite their different themes and contexts, these practices share a set of methods and understandings about transdisciplinary aesthetic strategies for working with questions, developing imaginal thinking and creating multidimensional forms of eco-social practice.
Exchange Values + racial capitalism
Earth Forum / Listening to each other, listening to the world
FRAMETALKS - Pilgrimage into the Everyday
7000(+) HUMANS - Global Social Forest
What is a Human Being? Workshops, Colloquia, Modules
The Survival Room
Curated journeys exploring a world-centred future
Writing Projects
Inner Dimension of Sustainability + Making Social Honey - seminars, Mentoring + Programs
Collaborations: Interviews Book, Connective Practice Initiatives & Programs
Social Sculpture Lab + Global Hubs (India, Wales, Brazil)
Public Conversations + Lectures
Landing Strip for Souls - process for working with questions
Uncovering + Working With Guiding Images - integrative creative journeys for individuals + groups
Instruments of consciousness like Exchange Values, FRAMETALKS and Earth Forum integrate aesthetic forms, reflective processes and imaginal work with language and mind-sets.
They do this in ways that mobilise people internally, enable new eyes for the world, and offer a unique experience of working with ‘invisible materials’ like questions, attitudes, and thought structures. They develop our capacity as artists of the future to shape new understandings and ways of participating in an interconnected world and to shift from responsibility as duty to an ability-to-respond”.
My mobile labs, temporary listening places, lecture-performances, small acts and scores, mind-shift work, transformative dialogues, and online local-global learning communities are used by individuals, groups, organisations, gatherings, conferences, networks, and communities to ensoul and inhabit spaces in between and to make ‘social honey’.
by uncovering and following questions...
by the alchemy of transformation…
by the relationship between freedom and responsibility…
by the potential for consciousness, cooperation and care…
by a commitment to move beyond the sphere of cold thought and human-engendered unnecessary suffering…
It is mobilised by the striving to unfold potential, engaging with contradictions, and by the soul of this unfathomable world.