7000(+) HUMANS - Global Social Forest, 2024 ongoing

7000(+) HUMANS, map with participation clusters (2022). Copyright. Shelley Sacks / 7000(+) HUMANS Global Social Forest, 2022.

We are currently developing the next phase of the 7000(+) HUMANS Global Social Forest!

The 7000(+) HUMANS Global Social Forest is a call to people across the planet to create SITES OF COMMITMENT. These sites of commitment create a SOCIAL MYCELIUM that can nourish the work towards a living future for all. Using connective practice approaches, partnerships with trees and land, and working in global online forums and local on-the-ground hubs the global social forest grows and produces SOCIAL HONEY.

It grew out of reflections in the Kassel21-Social Sculpture Lab on Joseph Beuys’ 7000 Oaks, and ways to integrate social sculpture processes in a giant eco-social sculpture of insights, interspecies partnerships, and commitments to new ways of thinking and being. Phase 2 will be made public toward the end of 2024. All are welcome.

To find out more about becoming a SITE OF COMMITMENT in the Global Social Forest - as a project, individual, organisation, or community - or any of the other 7000(+) H GSF modules and specific initiatives please email: info@7000humans.com or contact Shelley Sacks: info@shelleysacks.com (The new ‘global social forest ‘ website is not yet live).

To intensify the ‘warmth body’ described in the first phase of 7000 HUMANS and to develop the global social forest we are focusing on:

  • scaling out “moral imagination” practices

  • sharing new thinking-together methods and ways of creating “social honey”

  • developing a network of global workspaces and the “field of commitment” with tree and earth partners

  • offering participation in several “enquiry labs” - including an ecological citizenship reading group, a module exploring ‘intelligence’, the human being and AI, and the role of connective imagination for responsible research innovation.

To find out more about the various initiatives in the 7000(+) HUMANS Global Social Forest, email: info@7000humans.com or contact Shelley Sacks: info@shelleysacks.com




3 Pots for the Future: A Connective Practice for 'Making Social Honey'